The Tour of Ancestors, Emigrants and Sicilian Memories consists in the possibility to even meet your own unknown relatives in Sicily, those links in genealogic trees are lost in time, due for instance, to immigration in the United States of America.

Based on historical research in the archives and other places, we can find several aspects of people's history about Ancestors from Sicily.

Some of the aspects are:

1. visitare il luogo di provenienza dei propri antenati siciliani

2. visitare i cimiteri dove trovare tombe di parenti

3. visitare le chiese e gli archivi comunali per consultare i documenti collegati ai parenti

4. incontrare i propri parenti mai visti e conosciuti prima collegati agli antenati della propria famiglia

5. vedere le case e i siti in cui vivevano i parenti

6. degustazione di eno gastronomia tradizionale siciliana 

7. aspetti aggiuntivi da pianificare in anticipo

Un commento in merito al tour degli Antenati e delle Memorie Siciliane:

“We are very grateful for all of your time and effort in researching and sharing information about our family's ancestors in the Trapani-Erice region. We learned so much about our grandparents that we never knew.

I hope your continued research finds out more about the Candela and Portoghese ancestors and family, as well as living relatives in the Trapani area. I know we will return to Trapani some day and we look forward to seeing all of you again and visiting with you, as well as with possible family relatives in the area”.

Peter Candela

(source: tripadvisor

potete vedere la Famiglia Candela nella foto scattata a Erice durante il tour